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"Escape The Old You"

 Once upon a time there were YOU.

You , who were a children driming to become adult ...and now that you are an adult just you would like the lightheartedness of the children.

Where have you lost yourself?

Where are you going?

When did you discovered that you were following a goal that was not your?

How do you manage the frustration about don't disappoint the others detriment disappoint yourself?

Are you angry with yourself because you wished you could wear a mask forever?

I am sure that .....when your car has a problem, you will bring it to the mechanic...

when your CP is damage, you will bring it to an IT

when your dog is ill,  you will bring him to the Vet....

So why you would bring your mind,  your most powerful engine, to your neightbure?

Awareness of help's need is the first step.  The second is looking for professional and specialized help.

Serch me to refind yourself.

Together we can deal with:

DSH-Deliberate self- harm
Suicide attempt
Personality disorders- mild, moderate and severe
OCD- Obsessive compulsive disorder
Panic attack
PTSD- Post traumatic stress disorder

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